Week 1: What is Salsa?

 January 15, 2023

Jensen Davis

DCE 306 Professor Olarte

Salsa Blog Entry #1

Hello, my name is Jensen Davis. I am currently 18 years old and my birthday is January 26th. My pronouns are he/him. I am from Temecula, California. I used to play tennis in high school. I am a freshman and I am currently studying software engineering here at ASU.

Salsa Rhythms: Musicians, Lyrics, Singers

I think that the most important thing that I learned throughout the videos and this first week of this course is the importance of rhythm within the salsa. Everything about the music and the dance connects back to the rhythm. Rhythm can mean anything from the music that is being danced to, the movements within the dance, or the rhythm between the two dance partners. I realized the upbeat and passionate nature of the salsa dance. I realized how they sing about things that are important to them, like their family, friends, and especially their homeland. I think this is what is so special about salsa.

Culture: Representations in Identity, Geography, Migration, Society

Salsa has the ability to bring together all different types of cultures. But, where it all started was with Cuban African Americans. These Cuban African Americans then moved to New York City and brought their music, dance, and culture along with them. Salsa is also especially popular in Puerto Rico. Salsa is especially an African and Latin culture. But what is so amazing about this specific type of dance and music is its ability to unite all different types of cultures.

Personal: Internal Critique, Opinion and Perspective/Take on the Context

I decided to take this class because I wanted to learn more about the art of salsa and what it truly is. I also decided to take this class because I have a very strenuous schedule this semester and I wanted to have a class where I could relax and have fun. So, I am really excited and looking forward to this class and learning all about salsa. Before starting this class, to me, salsa meant a type of Latin dance. Having now been a part of this class for a little while, I realize it is much more than that. I now know that it is also a type of music and that it started in Africa. I now understand that it is an Afro-Latin culture. I can't wait to learn more about salsa throughout the semester.


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